Selasa, 12 April 2016

history Gedung Sate In Bandung??

     The history of the Gedung Sate in Bandung occurred before July 27, 1920, where the building that used to have a name Gouvernemens Bedrijven (GB) have completed the blueprints designed by a team of Ir. J. Gerber, Ir. G. Hendriks, and Ir. Eh. De Roo. The design of buildings GB blueprint also involves Gementee (mayor) Bandung, which at that time with Kol.Pur. VL. Slors as their chairman. To build this building required GB 2,000 workers, of which 150 of them are Chinese people and served as a wood carver or a stonecutter. Of the remaining 1,850 workers, nearly all have had experience building important because they have worked in the construction Gedong shingles (ITB) and Gedong Papak.

     Gedung Sate Historical Journey Of Age Netherlands
The history of the Gedung Sate in Bandung began to be recorded when the first stone was laid on July 27, 1920. Laying the first stone was conducted by Johanna Catherina Coops, eldest daughter of the mayor of Bandung at the time, B. Coops, along with Petronella Roelefsen who became deputy Governor General JP Graaf Van Limburg Stirum. The construction of the building which aims to be the center of the Dutch government chose the city of Bandung as the capital because according to them, the climate of the city of Bandung in the future similar to the existing climate in the South of France when summer arrives.

    4 years is the time needed by a team of 2,000 people to complete GB, precisely in September 1942. When completed, part of the building including the main building GB itself in which there is a central post office, library (PTT), as well as telephone and telegraph. Apparently, the splendor and uniqueness presented by Gedung Sate is not done by Ir. J. Gerber alone, because he gets a lot of feedback from the Dutch maestro in the art of architecture, namely Dr. Hendrik Petrus Berlage. Berlage Gerber suggested that he should put a bit of Indonesian traditional feel in a building that will he made in the area of ​​Indonesia.

   During the manufacturing process and its completion, Gedung Sate in Bandung earned high praise from many quarters. On average compliment about how mempesonanya contain buildings with architectural styles from the rest, up to call this style as Indo Europeeschen stijl Architectuur (Indo-European architectural style). D. Ruhl also wrote that according to him the Sate is building in the style of the most beautiful architecture in Indonesia. These writings can be found in a book entitled Bandoeng en haar Hoogvlakte published in 1952. Another opinion arises from two renowned Dutch architect namely Cor Pashier and Jam Wittenberg, which according to them Gedung Sate is the result of merging two experimental architectural styles, namely Indonesia and Europe.

   In the draft blueprint GB, Gerber brings together several architectural styles, such as in a window, the theme used was Moorish Spain. Different styles are used for the overall building style Italian Rennaisance. For the minaret itself, Gerber chose Asian style, especially the roof style temple in Bali and pagoda in Thailand. Views on the roof of the GB, top decorated with "skewer" which has 6 pieces of rounded objects. A debate on this matter, in which there is a version that says that the object was satay, rose water, or even jasmine which amounted to 6 pieces. The number of such objects is a representation of the cost of construction of the stately building, which is 6 million guilders.

   Early history of the Sate Building in Bandung was built in order to become the center of the Dutch East Indies government, right after Batavia considered no longer fit to be the capital for development. The initial user of the building targeted was the Department of Traffic and Public Works. However transformed to enable so that only the Bureau of Public Works who use the building. On December 3, 1945, occurred the bloody events in which the incident claimed the lives of seven young men who risked their lives to defend the beautiful building of Gurkha troops that try to invade. In memory of all seven young men who bravely mortgaging their lives, made a memorial stone as material and placed on the back page of the Sate. This monument was later moved to the December 3, 1970 on the orders of the Minister of Public Works.

    In 1980, GB then known as the Governor's Office. This makes sense because this building later became the center of government activity in the province of West Java. Earlier, the central government in West Java is located in Kerta Mukti Building in Jalan Braga, Bandung. Work space for the governor are on the 2nd Floor of the floor, there is also room for the Deputy Governor, Assistant Bureau, and the Regional Secretary.

    GB perfection itself more charming when the new building is "cheating" Gedung Sate architectural style with a touch of genuine fruit of Ir. Sudibyo was built in 1977. The new building that adds a list of stories in the history of the Sate Building in Bandung is reserved for the Members of Parliament of West Java province when they have to carry out their duties as a transmitter of the aspirations of local communities that they Ayomi. This building is now the city's attractions as some of them claim to have emotional and historical ties with buildings made in the Dutch colonial period.

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