Senin, 11 April 2016

Beach Ksirat in Yogyakarta!!!

Not like a row of white sandy beaches in Gunung Kidul other Kesirat Beach impresses with its character as a type beach cliffs. There are no white sand or views of the sea foam that was pulled over on this beach. Only the sounds of crashing waves that broke the sides of the reef.

After about half an hour we bumped over the vehicles we finally reached the destination. Behind the high bushes, one of the hidden paradise that manifest themselves.

A single tree growing on the cliff looks flashy and attract attention. Expanse of grassy land that is wide enough as if no interest to him until he chose to grow at the edge of the cliff. Evergreen tree, it's called popular among tourists visiting the beach Kesirat.

Like the hidden paradise in Gunung Kidul,  beach Kesirat not too crowded beach that afternoon. There are only a few people first arrive and set up tents for the night not far from perennial trees, as well as some of the fathers were seen fishing on the south end of the cliff. Kesirat coastline which fell into the sea and diverse types of fish that are the cause of this beach popular among fans of rock fishing. Even long before the beach is visited by the tourists. A simple cottage purposely built on a cliff which is the southern part of the best fishing spots. If you are lucky, we can see people around who fish in a way ngrendet, casting nets from one cliff to another cliff.

Apparently not only the small fish that inhabit the coast of this cliff, Turkish beach Kesirat which included one of the beaches in the region is a haven Roast big fish. Perhaps according to the angler in beach Kesirat, leopard sharks, whales and dolphins are often seen when the migratory season arrives.

In addition to a tourist paradise hidden and popular among anglers, Turkish Kesirat is also a sacred place by the locals. A year once implemented ngalap blessing or brubuh-brubuh in Turkish Kesirat. This tradition originated from local wisdom in the Java community environment by not cutting down trees carelessly. Only when the season began to turn yellow rice new residents chop down trees. Tradition brubuh-brubuh thanksgiving implicit in the form of maintaining the balance of nature also continues to this day.

Just as local residents who carry out the tradition-brubuh brubuh once a year, the tradition of regular visitors Kesirat Beach as we were not able to enjoy the time waiting for the fish devour the bait is waiting for dusk. Coastal cliffs facing west into the fitting location to watch the sun go back to the contest, as if sinking into the ocean. Dusk in Turkish Kesirat more dramatic with perennial trees are leaning towards the sea, as if waving to the sun, say goodbye. We sat transfixed as if hypnotized beauty bright shades of yellow to dark blue God's handiwork. Golden light that characterizes the western sky and reflected in the waters even more dim with the coming night, leaving a black silhouette evergreen tree that stands alone.

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